Waste Sensitization Workshop at Navodaya School, Rajgir
February 9, 2018
As a part of the Dalai Lama Fellows initiative Svacchadā, students of Nalanda University organized a waste sensitization program at Navodaya School, Rajgir. The session was conducted with the students of 8 th standard. The motive was to sensitize them towards reducing and managing the waste produced by them.
The students were enthused and determined to tackle the issue of waste by practicing composting as well as 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). They actively participated in the workshop by discussing waste generation and efficient management, mainly discussing the role they can play to tackle waste.

Students were sensitized about the role of rag-pickers in cleaning our environment. Students were also given a step-by- step demonstration of how to make compost from bio-degradable waste generated from their canteen.