
Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies

The University has established a Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies in the School of International Relations to offer programmes from coming Academic Year. Nalanda University is uniquely positioned to advance, both the illustrious legacy of the ancient Nalanda Mahavihara and the fresh mandate accorded to it, in order to build an international platform for promoting dialogues around resolving conflict through peace building and extending their global reach. It is in this precise context that the Centre for Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Studies has been envisioned. The Centre’s principal orientation is to examine how can we resolve conflict and to seek outcomes that resolve conflict by generating positive peace. To that extent, the Centre visualizes change through new ways of understanding conflict that enable conversing through it.

The Centre aims to facilitate conflict resolution and peace building by providing a cohesive, international and intercultural platform that supports the creation of new knowledge and hold meaningful dialogue. The Centre will initially focus on offering short-term capsule courses in peace and conflict studies and hosting roundtable discussions at international levels so that any country undergoing any crisis may confidently opt for the Centre’s roundtable discussions in a genuine bid to address and resolve the crisis regardless of its level or cause.

In sum, the Centre’s endeavours are guided by its following twin beliefs:1. Treat existing conflict as an opportunity, potentially a site for peace to emerge, just as the Buddha emphasized how ignorance can be the site of wisdom’s emergence;2. In the power of critical knowledge and meaningful dialogue not only to address, manage and transform conflict in any form but also to prevent future conflict.

Recent DevelopmentsThe Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies started its operation w.e.f October 02, 2023 on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday. As a first initiative, this Centre organized a Swachhta Abhiyaan on October 02, 2023 in the University Campus  as part of the Swachhata Hi Seva 2023 as envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

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