Nalanda main campus construction in full swing
December 30, 2016
The work for construction of Nalanda University’s permanent campus on the 455 acre land given by the Bihar Government, commenced on September 30, 2016 and has progressed rapidly. The works for Construction of Internal Roads and Earthwork for providing Water Bodies as a part of Phase 1 Construction Programme was awarded to M G Contractors Pvt. Limited, Panchkula, Haryana. The embankment construction for the 12.5 Km long internal roads and the excavation of various water bodies is currently in progress.
The tender for the second major package, Construction of Non-Residential Buildings which involves the construction of Academic, Administrative and various other campus amenities buildings are likely to be awarded soon. The Estimated Cost for this work is Rs. 485.19 Crores.
The tender documents for the Residential Package Tender which involves construction of Vice Chancellor’s Bungalow, Faculty Residences, Staff Quarters, Students’ Hostels are in its final stage for publishing and award of work is expected by end of March 2017. The estimated cost for this work is Rs. 305.00 Crores.