
FAQs (Admissions)

The entire application process for admissions is paperless and online in keeping with the University’s commitment to sustainability.

My native language is English. Do I have to take English Proficiency Tests to be eligible for Nalanda University admission?

  • You don’t need to take English Proficiency Tests if your native language is English or if your medium of instruction is English
  • Students coming from Non-English speaking countries and not trained in English medium will have to submit a certificate of proficiency in English

When will the 2023-24 session start?

The session will start in the first week of August 2023

Do you have distance learning programme?

No. We do not have distance education currently. All our programmes are residential.

I have difficulty in filling up the admission form online, what should I do?

Do you have Undergraduate and M.Phil Programmes?

At present we have Post Graduate and Doctoral Programmes in addition to various short-term courses.

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