
Rules and Regulations


The Nalanda University encourages the use of library for professional purposes. All teachers, students, non-teaching staff are entitled to get library membership. Anyone who intends to become a member of the library has to complete all formalities. Visitors/outsiders are allowed with prior permission from the University Librarian with an introductory from the concerned Organization / Institution. Membership will automatically cease in case of any violation of rules / conduct. The library has every right to terminate the membership at any time in case of any violations of rules and regulations. A registered member has privilege to borrow the following number of books:

Member Privilege
1.Dean & Faculty Members 10 books for 30 Days
2.Ph.D. Students 10 books for 15 Days
3.PG Students 5 Books for 15 Days
4.Administrative staff 5 Books for 15 Days


The members of the library can borrow the books. The borrowing privilege pertaining to numbers of documents are mentioned as above.

  • In case of urgent need an issued book can be recalled from the user.
  • Books must be returned on or before the due date failing which, the borrowers have to pay overdue charges.
  • While borrowing a book, members should make sure the condition of book is good otherwise he/she will be responsible for torned pages/ marking etc.
  • The borrower is fully responsible for the book/s borrowed in his/her account.
  • Absence and illness are not acceptable excuses for exemption from paying overdue charges. Only University’s holidays are left out of the reckoning. In case due date falls on a holiday, the book may be returned on the next working day, beyond which overdue charges will be levied.
  • Repeated failure to return the book on time by the user may attract to withdraw the borrowing facility. In case of loss of any library document borrowed by the user must be reported to the librarian.
  • Fine on lost books shall be charged till he/she report the matter about the loss of book. In lieu of lost book the prescribed penalty shall be deposited by the users

Restricted issue

Reference material, Thesis and Dissertation, loose issues of periodicals and CD-ROMs/DVDs will not be issued, these may be used in the library and should be returned back then and there only.


A member can renew a document only once, provided there is no reservation for that particular document. Renewals over the telephone, oral instructions, or written communication are not entertained. An Issued book can be renewed online by the borrower using login ID of KOHA.


Books on loan or on display at the new arrivals shelf can be reserved by filling the reservation slip available at the issue counter or through OPAC. Reserved books are kept separately at the Issue counter for one day. The reservation lapses automatically as soon as next person on the list gets priority for issuing the book.


To ensure the availability of library material to users, the latter will have to pay the overdue charges, if they fail to return the library documents on or before the due date. The overdue charge is INR 5 per day per document for all members.


Reminders issue for return of books on the expiry of due date by system generated e-mail.


Users ought to handle the library material with utmost care. User shall remain responsible to maintain the book clean and fresh during borrowing period. Marking on pages with pen and pencil is not allowed.

Loss of Documents

The borrower shall be responsible for any loss/damages/disfigures caused to the library material borrowed. In case book is lost the user must report to the University Librarian in writing forthwith. The borrower will be required to replace the same or the latest edition of the document along with INR 100/- penalty or pay double the price of such document besides overdue charges. However, penalty on out-of-print book shall be triple the cost of book. If the document forms a part of a series, the borrower will be charged for the replacement of the entire set. The price of the lost document once made, will not be refunded at any cost.

Care of Documents

When the book (s) is returned to the library, the user should make sure that his/her responsibility is duly discharged and the book is cancelled from his/her name. Before leaving the Issue Counter, users should satisfy themselves as to whether the item loaned to them is in good condition. If not, they should immediately bring the matter to the knowledge of the library staff at the Issue Counter. Otherwise, he/she will be held liable for the damages, noticed at the time of return. The library documents are very costly. They are for the benefit for both the present and the future users. Therefore, writing, marking and tracing in the documents is misconduct and it would be dealt with as rules.


All those who leave the University after completion of the programme or go on extra ordinary leave/deputation must return all books / issued documents/etc. and obtain a “NO DUES CERTIFICATE” from the Librarian.

Property Counter Facility

NU Library has locker facilities for its users. While keeping the bags users must take the key from the staff deputed on the counter. Valuable items such as money, jewellery, passport, credit card etc. should not be kept at the property counter. Personal items should not be kept and the library shall not be responsible for loss of such items. It is the prerogative of the library to open any locker to inspect the contents placed inside. In case the key of locker is lost, the deposited article may be claimed with proper identification after producing a written request. Users must collect their belongings before closing hours of library.


  • Users must carry the identity card while visiting the library. No student without ID card will be allowed to use the library.
  • Library is a place for study and research. Members are requested to maintain a silence. Members should not engage in conversation in any part of the library causing disturbance to fellow readers.
  • Members are requested not to shelve the documents taken out from the book shelves/racks; these may be left on the table after use.However,newspapers may be placed back on the racks.
  • Smoking, chewing gutka, food and drink etc. in the library is strictly prohibited.
  • Tea, coffee and eatable items are not allowed in the library.
  • Tearing off the pages, marking with pencil or ink on books/ periodicals is an offence.
  • Using Cell phone or any other noising instruments is prohibited.
  • Sitting on table and keeping the legs on chairs is strictly not allowed.
  • Users are not allowed to take cuttings from newspapers. The required information may be photocopied.
  • Folders, files, personal belongings and issued books, etc., should be kept at the property counter provided at the entrance.
  • The library staff members are authorized to examine everything that passes into or out of the library.
  • Issued documents can be recalled any time, if necessary.
  • Members have to come to the library personally for lending of book along with identity card of library.
  • The arrangement of chairs in the Reading Rooms should not be disturbed.
  • Members should follow all rules notified by the competent authority from time to time, in addition to these rules.
  • Readers should not carry books from one place to another. Users should not place books on shelves after consultation. They may leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
  • All users are required to keep their personal belongings at the Property Counter. Taking of briefcase, bags, files, jerkin, raincoat, umbrella, etc. inside the library is strictly prohibited.
  • In case of any infringement of the library rules, members shall forfeit the privileges of membership.
  • Users must go through the licence agreements of the publisher(s) before usage the e-resources.
  • Damaging the library property is a serious offence and strict action shall be initiated against the defaulters. Users ought to help library staff in keeping the library clean and hygienic.
  • Damaging the library property is a serious offence and strict action shall be initiated against the defaulters. Users ought to help library staff in keeping the library clean and hygienic.
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