Dr. Ambika Zutshi
Associate Professor,
Deptt. of Management, Deakin University, Australia
Research Profile
h index = 23 (Google Scholar); 14 (Scopus); 21.77 (Research gate score); i10 index = 35 (Google Scholar); Citations = 2864 (Google Scholar); 1079 (Scopus); 1510 (Research gate).
38 Journal publications; 12 book chapters [2011-present (inclusive)].
- Qualitative Methods (Doctoral level course)
- Research Design
- Business Ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility;
- Strategic Management; and Global Strategy
- Organisational Behaviour & Management
- European Business Review Associate Editor, Australasia, Emerald Publisher, UK
- International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Editorial board member)
- PSU Research Review: An International Journal, Emerald Publisher, UK (Editorial Advisory Board member)
- Academy of Management (AOM): Involved in presenting via Professional Development Workshop (PDW); participating in the sessions;
- International Association for Business and Society (IABS): Best Paper Committee (for 2020 conference) and participating via attending the conference
- Australia & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Operations Symposium: Advisory Committee (2019); participating via reviewing the conference papers and attending sessions
- Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE): Member of the Organising Committee for AARE's 50th Anniversary (2020)
- Centre for Sustainable and Responsible Organisations (CSaRO), Deakin University PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Excluding conference presentations) Plenary and keynote speaker at conference (2 sessions), University of Jammu, India, 2019
- Advisory/Scientific Board, Sustainability Communication Centre – SCC, University of Salerno, Spain, 2019.
- Keynote speaker, Doctorial consortium; and Chairing of sessions, PRME conference, India, 2018.
- Research supervision workshop, TERI University, India, 2018.
- Business Ethics teaching methods workshop with staff of Department of Management, RMIT Vietnam, 2017.
- Research collaboration workshop, President University, Indonesia, 2016.
- Book reviewer for publisher, Moral Issues in Business [textbook used for Business Ethics courses globally], 2015.
- Editorial board member: International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship & Innovation, 2008-Present.
- Contributed to Whitehorse Council‘s Power Networking, IP and Business Ethics sessions, 2011-2012. Advisory board member: Asian Consumer Protection Research Network (book), 2012.
- Chair, University Appeals Committee (UAC), 2019-present.
- Deputy Chair, University Appeals Committee (UAC), 2018.
- Research Integrity Advisor, (Business and Law Faculty), 2018-2019.
- Chair, Human Ethics Advisory Group (HEAG) (Business and Law Faculty), 2017-2019.
- Leading recruitment conversations with potential candidates at Academy of Management (AOM) conference, 2017-present.
- University Academic Board elected member, 2013, 2018-present.
- Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Director, Department of Management, 2015-present.
- Interview panel member for Department of Management and Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics (DISBA), 2017-present.
- Chair, Faculty Academic Progress Committee, (Business and Law Faculty), 2014-2015. Acting Associate Head of School (Research) for a six-month period, 2014.
- Co-chair Academic Progress Sub-Committee (Burwood Campus, Business and Law Faculty) 2012-2013.
- The Handbook, book chapter published in 2014 (Zutshi et al, Wellness Programs in Higher education: An Australian case), was selected for feature in Islamic Horizons magazine (March/April issue, page 59), 2015.
- Nominated for the Scopus Young Researcher Awards (Humanities and Social Sciences Discipline), 2013.
- Paper published in Social Responsibility Journal in 2012 received the Highly Commended Award Winner. Chosen by the Editorial Team at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, 2013.
- Commendation of Research Chapter (Creed & Zutshi, 2012) in a review written ‘Keeping Good Companies’, the newsletter of Chartered Sectaries Australia, which is associated with the London based ICSA (the Institute of Chartered Sectaries and Administrators), 2013.
- The article published in the European Business Review (Zutshi et al, 2009) was selected for the inclusion in Emerald Reading ListAssist, helping to extend readership beyond academia, 2011.