
Career Prospects

Training in Religious Studies, Yoga, and Philosophy imparts transferable interdisciplinary skills, enabling graduates to pursue careers in varied fields such as in Indology, Philology, Linguistics, and Philosophy, and in professional avenues as Archivists/Librarians, Commentators on Tantra and Yoga, Peace Activists, Yoga instructors, Cultural Administrator, Art curators and so on.

Focus areas of Study:

  • The study of Indological ideas and values and their historical development of other philosophical and religious traditions.
  • Dynamics of the layout of Buddhism and Hindu spiritual traditions, the texts and meditative practices;
  • Study of primary texts, inscriptions, and Hindu and Buddhist iconography, art and other artefacts;
  • Comparison of and interactions between various religious and philosophical traditions of Asia with emphasis on Buddhist, Jain and Hindu traditions and their different branches along with their regional and cultural contexts;
  • Archaeology of key sites across Asia related to Hindu and Buddhist traditions;
  • Modern manifestations of Buddhism and Hindu traditions and their contemporary relevance.

Research Initiative

The School emphasises individual and collaborative research, an interdisciplinary approach to religious literature of Buddhist and Hindu traditions and the study of religious ideas and values in relation to other proximal philosophical and cultural traditions.

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