

  • Establishment of an international institution for pursuit of intellectual, philosophical, historical and spiritual studies and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto;
  • The revival of the Nalanda university to improve regional understanding and the appreciation of one another’s heritage and history;
  • To build a community of learning where students, scholars, researchers and academicians can work together symbolizing the spirituality that unites all mankind.

“This university can be a place for meeting of minds from the national and international arena to do research on unity of minds with focus on philosophy linking science, technologies, economy and spirituality with reference to ancient and modern thinking. The focus of this university can be the evolution of world, free from crime, terrorism and war. Above all this institute will engage in research in the role of human values and ethics for universal development and peace. This university should work for creation of enlightened citizens.”

President APJ Abdul Kalam, Address at the Bihar Legislative Assembly, Patna: 28.3.2006

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