
M.A. in Economics

Master’s in Economics focuses on the economic theory as well as application of theory to the current economic and developmental issues. The program is designed to equip students with advanced quantitative skills and analytical techniques to tackle complex economic challenges and conduct rigorous empirical research and enable students to become leaders in the field of economics. Through a balanced curriculum, state-of-the-art analytical tools, and a focus on real-world applications, the program aims to produce economists who are not only proficient in theory but also skilled in driving impactful change in a complex and dynamic world.

The program’s objectives include developing a deep understanding of global economic dynamics, integrating advanced quantitative and analytical tools, along with innovative perspectives from fields such a sustainable management, data science, technology, and behavioral economics.

The MA Economics program integrates economic theory, statistical methods, econometrics, and computational tools to provide a comprehensive understanding of economic phenomena and policy analysis. By combining traditional economic models with contemporary quantitative techniques, the program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of economic phenomena. The curriculum emphasizes the application of these concepts to real-world scenarios, including policy analysis, market evaluation, and economic forecasting. Students will gain proficiency in statistical software and computational tools such as R, Python, and Stata, which are critical for conducting advanced economic analysis in the modern era.

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