
Career Prospects

Studying MBA in Sustainable Development & Management: A Big Career Opportunity

On successful completion, students of MBA (SDSM) would have opportunities to work in different industries such as Oil & Gas, information technology, textile, cement, agribusiness, environment and education. Some of the prospective departments/ domains where they could utilize their expertise are sustainability, environment, health and safety (EHS) department, CSR, energy consulting, sustainability consulting, sustainability reporting and green marketing. Students can also opt for conventional profiles like marketing, finance, operations, IT, consulting. A few examples of the entry level profiles for our students include:

  • Sustainability Managers/ consultants
  • Research analysts
  • Green Finance Managers
  • Financial Modelling Experts
  • Product/Brand Managers
  • CSR Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Business Associates
  • EHS Officers

Besides their demand in the industry, these professionals would also be trained to become social entrepreneurs and could also start their own enterprises (start-ups) in the upcoming fields related to business sustainability and ensure that they become job providers than becoming job seekers.

Details of the Students Opted for Corporate Internship (2023-25 batch)

Name of the Student Internal Supervisor Internship Project Title Host Organization
Vishnu Das M. Dr Anand Kumar Measuring Smallholder Spice Farmers’ Resilience to Hydrometeorological Extremes and Biological Hazards in Changing Climate Samavit Vikas Pvt Ltd, Noida, India
Md. Asadullah Dr Muneer Magry Social Impact and Community Upliftment Bharatiya Neeti Samvad Kendra (BNSK)
Vela Ratna Widyastuti Dr Anand Kumar Assessing Eco-Friendliness of Collapsible Fish Traps in Java Sea, Tuban, Indonesia WALHI, East Java, Indonesia
Mohini Ratna Amvastha Dr Muneer Magry Indiqube ESG Reporting (BRSR, GRI) SimplyFI Softech Bangalore, India
Chibuze Peter Edeze Dr Anand Kumar Medicine Wastage in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Distribution Channels RX Medico, Noida, India
Adi Wijaya Dr Muneer Magry Sustainable Humanitarian Supply Chain Lembaga Resiliensi Bencana, Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center
Md. Ashrafuzzaman Ashraf Dr Anand Kumar Empowering Global Youth: Catalyzing Collaborative Change for Sustainable Development Connecting Dreams Foundation, New Delhi

Details of Students and internal supervisors for the Dissertation (2023-25 batch)

Name of the Student Internal Supervisor Dissertation Topic
Shobha Vishwanath Sujata Dr Anand Kumar Assessing the Impact of Wetland Ecosystem Services on Socioeconomic Wellbeing of Nearby Community
Shristi Konda Dr Muneer Magry The Role of Environment Knowledge, Risk Perception And Environment Concern on Sustainable Consumption Behavior
Punarji Gayath Damboragama Dr Muneer Magry Evaluating the Strength of Sustainable Development Goals In Achieving Human Well- Being
Antora Ray Dr Muneer Magry Impact Assessment of Social Protection Programs in India (Bihar State- State Level Schemes)
Joy Dep Protap Sinha Dr Muneer Magry Impact Assessment of Social Protection Programs in Bangladesh
Mathew Suon Mondol Dr Muneer Magry Impact Assessment of Social Protection Programs in Sri Lanka
Ren Kearin Dr Muneer Magry Impact Assessment of Social Protection Programs in Cambodia
Ashish Gaurav Dr Muneer Magry Integrating the Natural Ecosystem Conservation Thinking in Business Strategies- A Cross Sectoral Analysis
Hnin Nandar Wai Dr Anand Kumar CSR and Women Empowerment in India- A Cross Sectoral Analysis
Kyaw Tun Aung Dr Anand Kumar Assessing The Effectiveness of Climate Change Policies on Climatic Impact-Drivers in Myanmar
Rosmita Chhetri Dr Anand Kumar Gender Perspectives on Climate Change, Indoor Environment and Water Quality in Thimphu Bhutan
Shruti Kumar Dr Anand Kumar Social LCA of Ganga JAL Mission
Preeti Jha Dr Anand Kumar Opportunity and Challenges in the Voluntary Carbon Market: A Case Study from the Terai Region of Nepal
Yee Mon Soe Dr Anand Kumar Integrated Site Suitability Analysis, Methane Emissions Mitigation, and Clean Energy Potential For Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Yangon And Mandalay Regions: A Pathway Toward Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Chhengleab Hoeun Dr Anand Kumar Green Economy Transformation in Cambodia: Challenges and Opportunities

Summer Internship (MBA Batch 2023-25)

MBA in Sustainable Development and Management


Name of the students Country Host Organisation
Vishnu Das India UN Global Compact Network, India
Ashish Gaurav India UN Global Compact Network, India
Shristi Konda Nepal UN Global Compact Network, India
Rosmita Chhetri Bhutan Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation, Bhutan
Chhengleab Hoeun Cambodia Mekong River Commission, Cambodia
Adi Wijaya Indonesia People’s Representative Council, Indonesia
Vela Retna Widyastuti Indonesia PT Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk , Indonesia


Name of the students Country Host Organisation
Mohini Ratna India Bharat Petroleum Ltd
Shruti Kumar India Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Shobha Vishwanath Sujata India Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Preeti Jha Nepal Patna Smart City, Patna
Hnin Nandar Wai Myanmar Patna Smart City, Patna
Yee Mon Soe Myanmar Patna Smart City, Patna
Kyaw Tun Aung Myanmar Indian Council of Agricultural Research-RCER Patna
Ren Kearin Myanmar Indian Council of Agricultural Research-RCER Patna
Punarji Gayath Damboragama Sri Lanka Indian Council of Agricultural Research-RCER Patna
Md Asadullah India Indian Council of Agricultural Research-RCER Patna
Chibueze Peter Edeze Nigeria KIMS Hospital Hyderabad
Antora Ray Bangladesh Connecting Dreams Foundation, New Delhi
Md Ashrafuzzaman Ashraf Bangladesh Connecting Dreams Foundation, New Delhi
Mathew Sujon Mondol Bangladesh Harmony INC, New Delhi
Joy Deb Protap Sinha Bangladesh Development Action Society, Kolkata

List of students 2022-24 batch (Corporate Experience/Dissertations)

MBA in Sustainable Development and Management


Student Name Citizenship Host Organization
Akshay Singh India World Resources Institute (WRI)
Shubham Sundaram India Infosys Limited
Sanjay Kumar Ray Nepal INBAR- International Bamboo and Rattan Organization, Ind
Sonam Dorji Bhutan Dungsam Ploymers Ltd, Govt of Bhutan
Somchan Manychan Laos Population Education and Development
Supawadee Jeamuak Thailand New Gen Academy, Thailand
Rini Widya Susanti Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture, Central Java, Indonesia
Rizal Maula Indonesia Ministry of Education Research and Culture, Indonesia


Student Name Citizenship Host Organization
Sourav Kumar Sinha India Oil and Natural Gas Ltd (ONGC) New Delhi,India
Visarg Mishra India Auctus ESG, Mumbai, India
Ravi Shah Rauniyar Nepal Value Network Ventures Advisory Services.
Dev Kwatra India Mazars ESG Advisory, India
Samuel Tripura Bangladesh MESO Constructivist LLP, India
Papon Sarker Bangladesh Mazars ESG Advisory, India
Shubhra Mishra India Connecting Dreams Foundation, India

Students opted for Dissertations

Student Name Country
Kencho Wangmo Bhutan
Ten Dorji Bhutan
Tshering Dorji Bhutan
Laxmi Chettri Bhutan

Summer Internship (MBA Batch 2022-24)

MBA in Sustainable Development and Management


S. No. Student Name Nationality Host Organisation
1 Kencho Wangmo Bhutan Bhutan Board Products, Ltd, Royal Government of Bhutan.
2 Laxmi Chettr Bhutan Kabjisa Gewog Administration, Royal Government of Bhutan
3 Rini Widya Susanti Indonesia Bukit Asam, Coal Mining Company, Indonesia
4 Rizal Maula Indonesia Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Govt. of Indonesia.
5 Ashmita Nepal Gorkha Ayurved Company, Nepal

National Organisations

S. No. Student Name Nationality Host Organisation
6 Tshering Dorji Bhutan Tata Steel Ltd, India
7 Ten Dorji Bhutan Tata Steel Ltd, India
8 Sonam Dorji Bhutan Tata Steel Ltd, India
9 Shubhra Mishra India Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, India
10 Sourav Kumar Sinha India Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd, India.
11 Ravi Sah Ruiniyar Nepal Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, India. Gujrat, India
12 Sanjay Kumar Ray Nepal Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, India. Gujrat, India
13 Visarg Mishra India Federation of Madhya Pradesh Chamber of Commerce, Bhopal, India
14 Shubham Sundaram India Dhan Foundation, India
15 Papon Sarker Bangladesh Dhan Foundation, India
16 Samuel Tripura Bangladesh Dhan Foundation, India
17 Supawadee Jeamuak Thailand Dhan Foundation, India
18 Dev Kwatra India Studio A Communication Consultants, New Delhi, India
19 Akshay Singh India Swaniti Initative, India
20 Akash Kumar India Tarumitra Foundation, India
21 Somchan Manychan Laos Tarumitra Foundation, India

Corporate Experience/Dissertations 2023

MBA in Sustainable Development and Management batch (2021-23)

S.No. Student Name Nationality Host Organisation
1 Abhilash Mahapatra India GIZ ( German Development Agency) New Delhi, India
2 Roushan Mishra India World Resources Institute (WRI), New Delhi, India.
3 Iresh Kumar India Social Enterprises International Ltd (SEi), North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
4 Aulia Chandra Yunus Indonesia Bukit Asam, Coal Mining Company, Indonesia
5 Sesty Sri Jayanti Indonesia Bukit Asam, Coal Mining Company, Indonesia
6 Win Naing Myanmar Peace Myanmar Group CO Ltd, Myanmar.
7 Lepekola Pius Mahlo Lesotho Lesotho Network of Aids Service Organisation. Lesotho
8 Urachat Boonsirikorakoj Thailand Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel of Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand
9 Devraj Gupta Nepal Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, India. Gujrat, India.
10 Dipanto Kumar Sen India Marine Solutionz Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India
11 Kalyan Ray Bangladesh Aspire Impact Pvt Ltd, Gurugram, India
12 Subroto Kumar Biswas Bangladesh ENEN Green Services Private Limited, New Delhi, India
13 Pyae Pyae Kaung Myanmar EKI Energy Services Limited (EnKing International), Madhya Pradesh, India
14 Mario Gómez Nicolau Mexico Centre for Responsible Business, New Delhi, India

Students doing dissertation

S.No. Student Name Citizenship
15 Komal Sen India
16 Debangshu Jana India

Placements 2022

MBA (Sustainable Development and Management) batch (2020-2022)

S.No. Student Name Nationality Organisation Role
1 Damcho Wangmo Bhutan Samtengang Higher Education Institute Researcher Cum Teacher
2 Faisal Md. Zakri Ghana Net Zero Think Pvt Ltd India Consultant
3 Norlina Pasaribu Indonesia Net Zero Think Pvt Ltd India Consultant
4 Sanskrithi Thakur India Centre for Rural Development (SLE) Humboldt University of Berlin Researcher
5 Selma Mekondjo Nangombe Nasheya Namibia Loxworth Capital Pvt Ltd ESG Practitioner
6 Seerat Tajamul India United Nations Global Compact India Membership Officer
7 Shubham Trivedi India Asian Development Research Institute India Research Associate

Summer Internships 2022


S.No. Name Student Citizenship Host Organization
1 Urachat Boonsirikorakoj Thailand Colleague at Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
2 Aulia Chandra Yunus Indonesia Muhammadiyah Environmental Council, Indonesia
3 Sesty Sri Jayanti Indonesia Muhammadiyah Environmental Council, Indonesia


S.No. Name Student Citizenship Host Organization
1 Komal Sen India Tata Capitals
2 Abhilash Mahapatra India TATA Refractories Limited
3 Roushan Mishra India TATA Steel Ltd
4 Iresh Kumar India Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
5 Debangshu Jana India Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
6 Dipanto Kumar Sen India Marine Solutionz Pvt Ltd
7 Kalyan Ray Bangladesh United Nations Global Compact Network
8 Subroto Kumar Biswas Bangladesh United Nations Global Compact Network
9 Pyae Pyae Kaung Myanmar General Carbon Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd
10 Win Naing Myanmar United Nations Global Compact Network
11 Lepekola Pius Mahlo Lesotho United Nations Global Compact Network
12 Devraj Gupta Nepal Indian society of Agribusiness Professionals
13 Mario Gómez Nicolau Mexico Willsmeet Solutions Pvt Ltd

Summer Internships 2021


S.No. Name Student Citizenship Host Organization
1 Selma Mekondjo Nangombe Nasheya Namibia Global Centre for Land Based Innovation, Western Sydney University, Australia
2 Sanskrithi Thakur India Earl V. Snyder Innovation Management Centre , Syracuse University, US


S.No. Name Student Citizenship Host Organization
3 Shubham Trivedi India Centre for Responsible Business
4 Abhishek Kumar India Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
5 Akkas Aki Bangladesh UN Global Compact Network India
6 Norlina Pasaribu Indonesia Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
7 Md. Khalid Miraj Bangladesh UN Global Compact Network India
8 Garrison B. Gaye Liberia Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
9 Pushpa Yadav Nepal UN Global Compact Network India
10 Seerat Tajamul India Indian Oil Corporation, New Delhi
11 Damcho Wangmo Bhutan GAIL (India) Ltd.
12 Faisal Md. Zakri Bangladesh GAIL (India) Ltd
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