
SMS Courses

List of Courses (Semester Wise)

S.No Title of the Course Type Course Credits
1. Organizational Behaviour Core 3
2. Managerial Accounting Core 3
3. Quantitative Methods Core 3
4. Macro Economics and Monetary Policy Core 3
5. Sustainability Management Core 3
6. Business Law Core 2
7. Seminar in Business Communication Core 1
Total= 18 credits

S.No Title of the Course Type Course Credits
1. Managerial Economics Core 3
2. Business Strategy and Policy Core 3
3. Sustainability Marketing Strategies Core 3
4. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Core 3
5. Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Core 3
6. Human Resource Management Core 2
7. Seminar in Business Communication Core 1
Total= 18 credits

Summer Internships : Two Credits ( 6-8 weeks)
S.No Title of the Course Type Course Credits
1. Sustainability Reporting and Finance Core 3
2. International Trade and Finance Core 3
3. Blue Economy Elective* 3
4. New Renewable Resources Elective 3
5. Integrated Water Resources Management Elective 3
6. Sustainable Urbanization and Development Elective 3
7. Agriculture and Development Elective 3
8. Poverty and Sustainable Development Elective 3
9. Culture, Philosophy and Aesthetics for Management Elective 3
10. Climate Change and Development Elective 3
11. Business Analytics Elective 3
Total= 18 credits
*Any four electives to be opted

S.No Title of the Course Type Course Credits
  • Corporate Experience (Experience with top NGOS/Foundations/Corporate/GOI)-(10 credits)
  • Monograph (8 credits)


  • Dissertation (10 credits)
  • Presentation (8 credits)
Total= 18 credits

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