Prof. Abhay Kumar Singh

Prof. Abhay Kumar Singh

lnterim Vice Chancellor. Nalanda University.
Dean of School of Historical Studies.
Dean oflnternational Relations.

Dr. Abhay Kumar Singh is Interim Vice Chancellor, Nalanda University. Professor and Dean, School of Historical Studies and Dean, International Relations. He obtained Ph.D. degree in Ancient History and Culture from the MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. He did a course in Greek Language and Civilisation in the University of Patras (Greece), and undertook museum training in National Museum, New Delhi.

His research focusses on ancient Indian interaction with the Persians, Graeco-Bactrians. Sakas and Kushanas and its lasting effects.He has presented his researches in India, France, Greece and Iran. having more than 60 presentations in International/National academic events. He has been a recipient of Indian History Congress Prize, 2004, and Prof. I.G. Khan Prize of the Indian History Congress. 2006. He received the World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2006 awarded by the President of Iran, for his works.

Previously, he served in the North Eastern Hill University, Shillong and MJP Rohilkhand University. Bareilly, and in the latter place, contributed towards the development of the Panchal Museum, and also setting-up the Indo-Iranian Studies Centre. Latterly, he held a diplomatic assignment in Iran as the first Director of Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Tehran.

He is on the editorial boards of certain research journals and holds the Life-Membership of the Indian Society for Greek and Roman Studies (ISGARS), Uttar Pradesh History Congress (UPHC), North Eastern India Historians Association (NEIHA), Forum for Indo-lranian Studies [FlIRST] and Numismatic Society of India(NSI).

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