Prof. S.P. Raj
Distinguished Professor of Marketing
Irwin & Marjorie Guttag Endowed Professor
Director, Earl V. Snyder Innovation Management Center
Marketing Department Chair & Director of MS Marketing
Whitman School of Management
Syracuse University
S. P. Raj is chair of the marketing department and Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the Whitman School of Management. He has previously served as interim dean and as senior associate dean for the school. He was also a tenured full professor of marketing at Cornell University and a visiting faculty at Kellogg School in Northwestern University.
Raj's research on marketing strategies, their influence on customer behavior, and managing new product development and innovation is cited extensively with over 2400 citations in the Social Sciences Citation Index and 6500 in Google Scholar. His work has been recognized with prestigious awards such as the John D.C. Little Award by the Institute for Management Sciences, finalist for the William F O'Dell award by the Journal of Marketing Research, the Donald R. Lehmann Award by the AMA and many Best Paper awards in conferences. His research was
supported by the NSF/Corporate Center for Innovation Management Studies.
Raj has taught marketing strategy, marketing management, integrated marketing communications, marketing and the Internet, and marketing research. His pioneering use of multimedia in the classroom was featured in Apple's "Imagine" series of videos for educators. He is the author of several teaching cases, including a best case on Managerial Issues in Transitory Economies awarded by the European Foundation for Management Development. He has consistently received high commendations for his teaching in full-time and executive programs in the U.S. and internationally.
He has published in leading journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Research Policy, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Business Research, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He served as the founding editor of the Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies.
Raj earned a bachelor’s degree with distinction in electronics engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and master’s and doctoral degrees in industrial administration from Carnegie-Mellon University.