Professor Asanga Tilakaratne
Distinguished Visiting Professor
Professor Asanga Tilakaratne, formerly senior, chair professor of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, and founder head of the department of Buddhist Studies, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, joined as a visiting professor in the School of Buddhist Studies, Philosophy and Comparative Religion, Nalanda University, in January, 2020. Most recently (June, 2018 – February, 2019), he served as the visiting professor at Sitagu International Buddhist Academy, Myanmar. He has served as visiting Professor at Yonsei University, South Korea, Otago University, New Zealand, and Savitribai Phule Pune University, India.
His doctoral Research was in Comparative Philosophy from University of Hawaii, USA (1986-1992). His topic of research was ‘Transcendence, Ineffability and Nirvana: An Analysis of the Relation between Religious Experience and Language According to Early Buddhism’. He has a bright career throughout. He has been recipient of many prizes, awards and fellowships, like Prarambha, Madhyama and Avasana in Pāli, Sanskrit and Sinhala (1968,1971 and 1975), Gunapala Senadheera Prize for securing highest score in Buddhist Studies (1974), Commonwealth fellowship at Oriental Institute, Oxford University (Oct.,1999-Sept., 2000), Research Excellence Award (in Arts and Humanities Division): University of Colombo, (2013), to count some.
Areas of his academic specialisation include East Asian Philosophy, Vedanta, Wittgenstein, Kant, Frege and Nagarjuna, Buddhist philosophy and logic, Pāli Canon, Indian and Western Philosophies, Theory of knowledge, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Religion. He has published, both in English and Sinhala, more than one hundred fifty papers on Buddhist Studies. He has also served as editor and chairman in many research publications. His has a long serving carrier of teaching and research, where he has contributed in major capacities.
His current research interests and on-going projects include
- Towards constructing an alternative concept of justice and law: The Buddhist concept of Justice: its theory and practice
- Applied Buddhism in such areas as inter-religious understanding, psychological counselling and psychotherapy, equality, rights and justice
- Contemporary Buddhism in Sri Lanka
- Issues of Buddhist logic – A study on Buddhist logic and translating into Sinhala Dharmakirti’s Nyaya-bindu
He is the author of 20 Books, 94 research papers in English, presented in 149 seminars/conferences. He has supervised 20 doctoral students so far.
- Minis Getalu Pilibanda Bauddha Vigrahaya (in Sinhala) (An Analysis of Human Problems from a Buddhist Perspective), 1979 (State Literary award for the best publication of the category of Buddhism for 1979). Reprinted 1984, 1992 & 2009.
- Nirvana and Ineffability: A Study of the Buddhist Theory of Reality and Language pp. xi + 169. Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 1993.
- Logic and Epistemology in Theravada (English translation of the Ven. Hagoda Khemananda’s Theravada Nyaya) pp. xvi + 135. Published by the author of the Sinhala Original. Colombo, Sri Lanka. 1993.
- Abhidharma Adhyayana (in Sinhala) (Studies in Abhidharma), Karunaratne and Sons Ltd., Homagama, Sri Lanka, 1995. (viii+294); the 2 nd edition 2012 (S. Godage and Brothers, Colombo).
- Recent Rsearches in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa. Edited with K. Dhammajoti and Kapila Abhayawansa. Professor Y. Karunadasa Felicitation Committee, Colombo. 1997. pp. XV+654.
- Beyond the Metaphysics of Common Sense. Edited with Arjuna de Zoysa, Y. Karunadasa, and Cahmpika Ranawaka. 1998. A joint Publication of Vidyartha, Colombo and Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Colombo.
- Madihe Nahimi: Caritaya ha Cintanaya: (in Sinhala) (Life and Thought of the Venerable Madihe Na Himi), Sasana Sewaka Society, Maharagama, Sri Lanka, 1998 & 2007 (viii+396)
- Wilhelm Geiger and the Study of the Culture and the History of Sri Lanka. Edited with Ulrich Everding. Geothe Institute and Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Colombo. 2000.
- Sunyatavadayehi Darsanaya ha Caranaya (in Sinhala) (Theory and Practice of Emptiness), Tivira Publishers, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. 2001 (xvi+324) (The State literary award for the best publication in the category of philosophy for 2001)
- Encounters with the Word: Essays to Honour Aloysius Pieris S.J.( 2004: Colombo) pp.vii+699;(edited with Robert Crusz and Marshal Fernando)'
- Dhamma – Vinaya: Essays in Honour of Venerable Professor Dhammavihari pp. xiv+335 (-2005. Edited by Asanga Tilakaratne, Toshiichi Endo, G.A. Somaratne and Sanath Nanayakkara, published by Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, Colombo.
- Yolban grigo Pyohyon Bulganungson, (in Korean) CIR Publications, Korea 2007. [Korean translation of Nirvana and Ineffability, Colombo, 1993.] (pp.343; ISBN # 978-89-92259-06-4)
- Budu Dahama (in Sinhala) Grade 10 text for the subject of Buddhism for Sri Lanka Government schools starting from 2007. [Karunaratne and Sons, Katuwana.]
- Study Guides on Introduction to Buddhist Studies and Buddhist Social Philosophy: co-authored and
guided the panel of writers. Published by University of Colombo, 2011. - Theravada: View of the Elders (Published in the series of ‘Dimensions of Asian Spiritualities’ by the University of Hawaii Press in September 2012 pp.xxvii+186) Series Editor: Henry Rosemont Jr.
- 2600 Years of Sambuddhatva: Global Journey of Awakening – (with Prof. Oliver Abenayaka) a collection of 38 essays by scholars in 34 countries covering the state of Buddhism in the world, a project for the commemoration of the completion of 2600 years of the Enlightenment of the Buddha, published by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Government of Sri Lanka (Government Press, May 2012 pp.692).
- Pali Sahitya Avabodhaya (in Sinhala) (Part I, II, (2013) III), Text book for advanced students in Pali language (Damrivi Foundation, Colombo 2014).
- Buddhist Philosophy, History and Culture: Selected Papers of Sanath Nanayakkara, edited with Marshal Fernando, Raluwe Padmasiri Thera, Miriswatte Wimalagnana Thera and Madihe Sugatasiri Thera, Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies and Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialoge (Godage International Publishers, Colombo, July 2016).
- Nirvanaya saha Avachyatvaya: Yatharthaya ha bhashava pilibanda bauddha nyaya sambandhava adhyayanayak (Sinhala translation of Nirvana and Ineffability: A Study of the Buddhsit Theory of Reality and Language, 1993) by Dr. Senzil Senadheera, (Colombo: S. Godage and Brothers, 2016).
- Buddhism Living Religion Sri Lanka (Co-edited with Bindu Urugodawatta), (Colombo: Ministry of Buddhasasana, 2017).
PAPERS (papers in Sinhala)
- `A Few Clarifications Regarding the Doctrine of Anatta’ Buddha Sravaka Sastriya Samgrahaya (Annual publication of Buddha Sravaka Dharma Pethaya), Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. 1982. pp. 103-105.
- `Development and Social Justice’ The Young Buddhist. Singapore. 1982. pp. 199-203.
- `Valuing Nature: How Buddhism Can Help’ Anthology of Fo Kuang Shan International Buddhist Conference. Kaoshung, Taiwan. 1990. pp. 349-355.
- ‘The Development of Sacred Language in the Buddhist Tradition’. Premier Colloque Etienne Lamotte. Brusselles. 1993. pp. 115-121.
- `Ineffability’. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism vol. V. The Government of Sri Lanka. 1993. pp. 568-75.
- `The Thesis of Religious Ineffability’. Sri Lanka Journal of Buddhist Studies vol. IV. Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 1994. pp. 135-49.
- `Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Search for a Middle Position’. (Text of the Sir Baron Jayatilleke Memorial Lecture). The Sunday Time. Feb. 29, 1994.
- `K. N. Jayatilleke’. Encyclopeadia of Buddhism. vol. VI, Fascicle I. The Government of Sri Lanka. 1996. pp. 37-41.
- `The Lankavatarasutra’. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism. vol.VI, Fascicle 2, The Government of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 2000.
- ‘Saddha: A Prerequisite of Religious Action’. Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa. ed. Asanga Tilakaratne; Rev. K. Dhammajoti & Kapila Abhayawansa. Colombo. 1997.
- `Redefining the Role of the Bhikkhu: The Challenge of the Future’ (Thames Buddhist Vihara Vesak Publication, 1998. London.)
- `Authentication of the Scripture: A Study in the Theravada Hermeneutics’ Wilhelm Geiger and the Study of the History and Culture of Sri Lanka ed. Asanga Tilakaratne & Ulrich Everding. Colombo. 2000. pp.1-21
- `Karma’. Encyclopeadia of Buddhism. vol. VI. Fascicle I. The Government of Sri Lanka. 1996. pp.114-121.
- `Rationale for Tolerance: A Buddhist Critique and a Reconstruction’. Dialogue. vol. XXIII. ed. Aloysius Peiris S.J. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1996. pp. 153-167.
- `Buddhism on Slavery’ Dialogue. vol. XXIII. ed. Aloysius Peiris S.J. Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp.1-12.
- `Dissent: theory and Practice in Buddhism. Kalana: G.S.B. Senanayaka Felicitation. ed. Prof. W.S. Karunatilake et al. Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.1996. pp.168-76.
- `The Role of the Buddhist Monk in the 21st Century’. Sarasavi Sandarasa. Colombo Buddhist Theosophical Society. 1997. pp.67-75.
- `Globalization: Buddhist Perspective to Economics’ Dialogue XXIV, ed. by Fr. Aloysius Pieris, Colombo, 1997. pp.53-65.
- “Fifty Years of Buddhism in Sri Lanka: 1948-1998”, Dialogue XXVI, ed. Fr. Aloysius Peiris, Colombo, 1999. pp.228-247.
- `Kathavatthuppakarana’. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, vol.VI, Fascicle 2, Colombo, 2000.
- ` Logic’ Encyclopaedia of Buddhism vol.VI, Fascicle 3, Colombo, 2002. pp.317-29.
- `Buddhist Studies and Research in Sri Lanka: 1972-1997’ in State of Buddhist Studies in the World, ed. By: Donald K. Swearer and Somparn Pornta, Bangkok: Centre for Buddhist Studies, Chulalonkorn University, Thailand. 2000. pp.33-72.
- Feature book review on `Vain Debates: The Buddhist Christian Controversies of Nineteenth Century Ceylon’ by R.V. Young & G.P.V. Somaratne’. The Royal Asiatic Society Journal. Colombo. 2000.
- ‘Ineffability and the Buddhist Religious Experience’ in Buddha Sravaka University Journal. Anuradhapura. 1999.
- “Buddhist Enlightenment and Ineffability” in Pro Dialogo, Pontificium Consilium Pro Dialogo Inter Religiones, Vatican, Rome, 1999/1. pp.17-28.
- “Ethnic Crisis in Sri Lanka: The Role of Religion” in Synergizing Output of Humanitarian assistance: An Inter-Organization Awareness Raising Program, ed. Jayadeva Uyangoda, Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies, 10, Kynsey Terrace, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka. 2000.
- Feature book review on Nalin Swaris’s The Buddha’s Way to Human Liberation: A Socio-Historical Approach (Colombo.1999) Dialogue: Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2000.
- Feature book review on Gunapala Dharmasiri’s The Nature of Medicine: A Critique of the Myth of Medicine. Kandy,1997. ( Sambhasha, Ministry of Education, Colombo, 2000. pp.957-972.)
- ‘Sangiti and Samaggi: Communal Recitation and the Unity of the Sangha’, Buddhist Studies Review, UK, vol.17 No. 2 (2000). pp.175-193.
- “Is Nirvana Ineffable?” in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Lily de Silva, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2002. pp.65-83.
- “Buddhist non-theism: Theory and Practice” in Approaching the Dhamma: Buddhist Texts and Practices in South and Southeast Asia, ed. Ann Blackburn and Jeffrey Samuels, Pariyatti Publishers, Seattle, USA. 2003. pp.125-149.
- “K.N. Jayatilleke’s Interpretation of Nirvana Revisited”, Arcana: M.H.F. Jayasuriya Felicitation Volume, Godage Brothers, Colombo, 2002. pp.169-190.
- “Mysticism”, Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, The Government of Sri Lanka, Colombo. Vol. vii. Fascicle:1
- “Nihilism”, Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, The Government of Sri Lanka, Colombo. Vol.vii, fascicle 1.
- “Dependent Co-origination: The Buddhist Approach to Reality” in Dialogue, New Series, Vol.xxix. 2002. pp.70-80.
- “The Buddhist Doctrine of Karma as a Theory of Justice” in Buddhism in Global Perspective, vol.I, ed. by Kalpakam Sankaranarayan, Ravindra Panth: Ichijo Ogawa. Mumbai, New Delhi,2003. pp.202-217.
- “The Buddha and his Sangha” in Pro Dialogo (Bulletin 113, 2003/2), Pontificium Consilium pro Dialogo Inter Religiones, Rome, 2003 pp.145-160.
- “Using Physical Force/Violence and Inflicting Pain as Problems in Buddhist Ethics”, published in Proceedings of seminar on Exchange of Buddhist Thought and Culture between Sri Lanka and Korea, held on 8 th January, 2003.
- “Pragmatism” in Encyclopaedia of Buddhism.
- Introduction from the point of view of the East to The Supreme Doctrine & The Realization of the Self by Herbert Benoit published by Sussex Academic Press, UK, 2004.
- “On Alloysius Peiris s.j. on Inter-religious Dialogue and the Problem of Truth in Religion: A Buddhist Perspective” in Encounters with the Word: Essays to Honour Alloysius Peiris s.j. (Eds.) Robert Crusz, Marshall Fernando and Asanga Tilakaratne, Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue, Colombo, 2004. pp.381-97
- "Personality Differences of Arahants and the Origins of Theravada: A Study of Two Great Elders of the Theravada Tradition: Maha Kassapa and Ananda" in Dhamma-Vinaya: Essays in Honour of Professor Dhammavihari (Jotiya Dhirasekera), ed. by: Asanga Tlakaratne et al. Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, Colombo. 2005. pp.229-257.
- 'Enlightened Ignorance in Buddhist Philosophy of Education" in Wimala-Prabhasa: Essays in Honour of Venerable Professor Bellanwila Wimalaratana, Bellanwila Rajamaha Viharaya, 2006. pp312-331.
- “Sacca” (Truth), Encyclopaedia of Buddhism.
- “The Role of Buddhist Monks in resolving the conflict” in Buddhism, Conflict and Violence in Modern Sri Lanka ed. By Mahinda Deegalle, Routeledge, London & New York, 2006. pp.210-225.
- “Buddhist Views on Religious Conversion” in Dialogue, New Series, vols. XXXII & XXXIII, 2005-2006. pp.58- 82.
- “How mental health can be addressed in a gender-sensitive manner according to Buddhist philosophy”, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Regional South Asia Head Quarters, New Delhi. 2006.
- Foreword for the section on Philosophy and Epistemology in Studies in Buddhist Philosophy and Religion: Collected papers of Professor P.D. Premasiri, ed. Soorakkulame Pemaratana and Raluwe Padmasiri (Department of Pali and Buddhsit Studies, University of Peradeniya, 2006)
- “Buddhism and Modernity: Between Two Buddha-Jayantis (2500-2550) and Beyond”: 2550 Buddha Jayanthi: Watershed in Human development pp. 107-133. (BuddhaJayanthi Secretariat. 2007)
- “Xuan Zang and Fa Hsien on the History and Religion of Sri Lanka” in Pali and Buddhist Studies: Silver Jubilee Commemoration Volume of the Buddhist and Pali Unversity of Sri Lanka, ed. Akiriye Nanda et al. (Homagama 2007) pp.208-218.
- “Critical Thinking and Logic: A View from Periphery” Sri Lanka Journal of Social sciences, vol.29-30 (June-December 2006/2007, National Science Foundation (NSF), Colombo. pp.51-69.
- “Nirvana of the Healthy Mind” in The Social Construction of a New Buddhist Psychology: Moving Away from Religion and Philosophy, M.G.T. Kwee (Ed.) & Consultant Eds. M.K. Kwee-Taams, P. Soorakkulame & A. Tilakaratne) (17 pages)
- “Globalization and Religion: Is Religion an Equal Competitor?”, Social Science Review, Fall-2007, (pp.77-95) Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), Yonsei University, Korea.
- “Suffering of Life, Death and Liberation in Theravada Buddhism”, International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, vol.10, (pp.87-103) Dongguk University, Korea. 2007
- ”Some Key Aspects of Buddhist Philosophy of Education”, Korean Journal of Religious Education, Korea, pp.127-140, December: 2007.
- “A Buddhist Analysis of Tsunami Catastrophe” published in www. Damrivi (Website of Damrivi Foundation). 2007.
- “Trying to Understand Donation of Children and Wives and Related Matters in the Theravada Buddhist Ethics” The Mahachulalankornrajavidyalaya University Journal of Buddhist Studies (MJBS) vol. I, Thailand, (pp.71-89), 2007-2008.
- ”Insights from Tripitaka on the Issue of Justice” in Dialogue, New Series xxxv-xxxvi 2008/2009 pp.94-118.
- “The Theravada Standpoint on Meat Eating” in Bul Gyo Hak Bo (Journal of Korean Buddhist Research Institute, Dongguk University (2008) pp.78-98.
- “Monastic Sexual Behaviour: A Study of the first parajika and related rules of the Theravada Vinaya” in Buddhist and Pali Studies in Honour of the Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, (pp.651-663), Centre for Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2009.
- “Impact of war, globalization and commercialization on Buddhism: A study of contemporary Sinhala Buddhism in Sri Lanka’ in South and Southeast Asia Culture and Religion, (South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion (2009: vol. III) pp. 64-84.
- Foreword to Beyond Asava and Kilesa: Understanding the Roots of Suffering According to the Pali Canon, You Mee Lee (Nedimala: Buddhist Cultural Centre, 2009).
- Working with tsunami affected people in the South: Stories toward rebuilding life by strenthening the mind” in After the Waves: The Impact of the Tsunami on Women in Sri Lanka ed. Neloufer de Mel, Kanchana N. Ruwanpura and Gameela Samarasinghe (Colombo: Social Scientists Association 2009) pp.221-233.
- “Political Metaphor in the Life of the Buddha” in Nanappabha: A Felicitation Volume in Honour of Venerable Dr. Pategama Gnanarama Maha Thera. (ed. Ven. Dr. Rangama Chandawimala and Prof. Chandima Wijebandara) Singapore: Ti-sarana Buddhist Association 2011. pp.145-154.
- “Contemporary Indian Interpretations of Buddhism Interpreted” in The Journey of the Holy Tree: Cultural Interface Between India and Sri Lanka (ed. H.M. Mahinda Herath & Birender Singh), Colombo: Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) 2011. Pp. 16-19.
- “Religious Ethics and the New World Order: A Buddhist Critique and Reconstruction” (Published in the proceedings of The International Conference to Commemorate the 100 th Birth Anniversary of the Great Patriarch Sangwol Wongak (Korea 2011) pp.118-135.
- “The Meaning and Significance of Sambuddhatva” in 2600 Sambuddhatva Jayanthiya, London: World Buddhist Forum 2011. pp. 16-19.
- “Buddhism in Sri Lanka” (with Nambirittankadawara Gnanaratana Thera, and Sanath Nanayakkara) in 2600 Years of Sambuddhatva: Global Journey of Awakening (Colombo: The Government of Sri Lanka 2012) pp.85-103.
- “Buddhism Beyond 2600 Years: Continuing the Journey” in 2600 years of sambuddhatva: Global Journey of Awakening (Colombo: The Government of Sri Lanka 2012) pp. 569-585.
- “The Mahasi sayadaw Method of Vipassana Meditation: An Abbreviated Path or a Misundertsanding?” in Buddhist Meditation: Text, Tradition and Practice (ed) Ven. Kammai Dhammasami and Charles Willeman (Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai (2012) pp. 55-78.
- “Verification, Falsification and Search for Certainty in Knowledge: An Old Question Revisited from a Buddhist Perspective” in Abhayaprasadini: Essays in Honour of Professor Oliver Abenayaka, ed. Walletota Indananda Thera and Tunkama Pannalankara Thera (Colombo: Godage Publishers 2012) pp.47-54.
- “Equality and Justice from a Buddhist Perspective”, Dialogue New series XLI. 2013-2014. pp.39-65.
- “Reflecting on Walpola Sri Rahula Mahathera: A Quest for the Ideal Theravada Bhikkhu” (Walpola Rahula Institute for Buddhist Studies, Kotte, Sri Lanka 2014)
- “Explaining the absence of one single revered text in Theravada” in Buddhist Texts and Traditions, ed. Mahesh A. Deokar, Pradeep Gokhlale and Lata M. Deokar Department of Pali, Savtribai Phule Pune University and Central University of Tibetan Studies, India 2015) pp. 16-28.
- “Buddhism and Ethnicity-Related Tensions in Sri Lanka: Doctrinal Position and Role of Buddhism” in Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies in South and Southeast Asia: The Politics behind Religious Rivalries, ed. K,M. de Silva, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo 2015. pp.109-122.
- “No Conspicuous Consumption” in Mindful Journalism and News Ethics in the Digital Era: A Buddhist Approach, ed. Shelton A Gunaratne, Mark Pearson and Sugath Senarath, Routeledge, New York and London, 2015. pp. 108-129.
- “Anagarika Dharmapala and his Vision of a Global Buddhism” in Anagarika Dharmapala and India-Sri Lanka Relations: 150 th Birth Anniversary Commemorative volume, ed. Sandagomi Coperahewa, Centre for Contemporary Indian Studies (CCIS), University of Colombo, 2015. pp.60 – 78.
- “Rescued from the Nation: Anagarika Dharmapala and the Buddhist World”, review of Rescued from the Nation: Anagarika Dharmapala and the Buddhist World (by Steven Kemper) in Anagarika Dharmapala and India-Sri Lanka Relations: 150 th Birth Anniversary Commemorative volume, ed. Sandagomi Coperahewa, Centre for Contemporary Indian Studies (CCIS), University of Colombo, 2015. pp.91 – 95.
- Feature book review on: Rita Langer: Sermon Studies and Buddhism: A Case Study of Sri Lankan Preaching (Studia Philosophica Buddhica Monograph Series XXX), The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Tokyo, 2013. In Sri Lanka of the Humanities vol.40 University of Peradeniya, July 2015. pp.133-141.
- “The ultimate Buddhist religious goal, Nirvana, and its implications for Buddhist-Christian dual-belonging”, in Buddhist Christian Dual Belonging: Affirmations, Objections, Explorations, ed. Garvin D’Costa and Ross Thompson, Ashgate, Surrey. 2016. pp.89-106.
- “Jesuits on the Buddha” feature review of The Buddha and Jesus, ed. Cyril Veliath s.j. Tulana Research Centre, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.2015 (April 2016).
- “Buddhist Perspectives on Balanced Living, Right Use of Wealth and Equal Opportunities in Economy”, Dialogue New Series XLII-XLIII 2015-2016. pp. 257-278.
- “Buddhism” in The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (ISBN: 978-1-118-29073-6) Willy Blackwell, UK 31 st October 2016.
- “Welfare and Charity for all sentient beings: Theravada Buddhist Perspective” published in the proceedings of World Fellowship of Buddhists, Korea. (2016).
- A Review of Traditional Theravada Meditation and its Modern–Era Suppression (Kate Crosby, Hong Kong 2013) in Journal of Buddhist Studies Vol. XIII. 2017. pp.191-202.
- “Buddhist Christian Relations in Sri Lanka: A Buddhist Perspective” in Buddhist Christian Relations in Asia, ed. Perry Schmidt-Leukel (Ottilien: EOS – Editions of Sankt Ottilien) 2017. pp. 67-96.
- “Hermeneutics in Buddhism: A Historical and Philosophical Perspective” in Ermeneutica Dei Testi Sacri: Dialogo tra Confessioni Cristiane e Altre Religioni, ed. Salvatore Mele, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna (EDB), Bologna, 2016. pp. 301-315.
- “Economic Planning and Statecraft: The Buddha’s Teachings for Good Governance” (2017) in Justice and Statecraft, ed. By Mahinda Deegalle (Sri Lanka: Nagananda International Buddhist University). pp.165-182.
- -90 “Introductory Remarks” (pp.5-7) and “Concluding Remarks” (pp.173-175), Buddhism, Living Religion, Sri Lanka, Ministry of Buddha Sasana, Govt. of Sri Lanka, May, 2017.
Book Reviews (Newspaper)
- `The Lover of Wisdom’ (A brief discussion on K.N. Jayatilleke’s philosophy) Daily News. July 23, 1993.
- `A Reliable Presentation of Abhidhamma’ (A review of Comprehendive Manual of Abhidhamma by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka. 1992). Daily News. Nov. 6, 1993.
- `Invaluable for Those Concerned about the Future of Buddhism’. (A review of An Agenda for International Buddhist Community. Ananda Guruge. Karunaratna and Sons, Colombo, Sri Lanka.) Sunday Observer. Feb. 20 & 27, 1994.
- `Buddhist Monks in Medieval Sri Lanka’. (A review of Polonnaru ha Dambadeni Katikavat. Yatadolawatte Dhammavisuddhi. Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies. Colombo, Sri Lanka. 1995). Daily News. August 31, 1996.
- `A Commentary to the Mahavamsa’. (A review of Vamsatthappakasini: The Mahavamsa Tika. Translated into Sinhala by Akuretiye Amaravansa Nayaka Thera and Hemachandra Disanayaka. Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka). Daily News. Oct. 05, 1996.
- `Making of a Modern Bhikkhu’ (A review of The Venerable Suriyagoda Sumangala Thera. B.S. Siriwardhana. Parama Dhamma cetiya Pirivena, Sri Lanka. 1996). Daily News. Nov. 09, 1996.
- `Sociology of Buddhism’ (A review of An Approach to Buddhist Social Philosophy. Pategama Gnanarama Thera.Tisarana Buddhist Association, Singapore. 1996). Daily News. Dec.28, 1996.
- `The Parinirvana of the Buddha: Its Religion and History’ (A review of The Mission Accomplished. Pategama Gananrama Thera. Tisarana Buddhist association, Singapore. 1997). Daily News. June 28, 1997.
- “Buddhism and Science: One analysis but Two Different Goals?” (Prof. J.K.P. Ariyaratne’s Two Buddhist Suttas Viewed from Science, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka, 2001) The Sunday Times, Jan. 27, 2002.
- “Humanistic Buddhism: A Vision for the Future” (Humanistic Buddhism for Social Wellbeing: An Overview of Grand Master Hsing Yun’s Interpretation in Theory and Practice, Ananda Guruge, Light Publishing, Los Angeles, USA 2003) Daily News, 12 November, 2003.
- The Buddha’s Technique and Practice in Counselling, Jenny Queck 2007
- “Rebirth of a Buddhist Classic” (Gods in Buddhism MMJ Marasinghe 2010 Sarasavi Publishers, Nugegoda) The Island 20 th March, 2010.
- Sigiriya: Kassapa’s Homage to Beauty, Siri Gunasinghe 2010
- “A Question Paper to Theravada Buddhists” (Concept of Merit in Buddhism, MMJ Marasinghe, Sarasawi Publishers, Nugegoda 2010) The Island, 4 th August, 2010.
- “On ‘the Dhamma on the Dhamma” (The Theravada Abhidhamma: An Inquiry into the Nature of Conditioned Reality (pp.xvii+361. Y. Karunadasa, Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 2010) The Island, November 17, 2010
- Delivered a Special Lecture on ‘Overview of Four Mindfulness in Pali Sutra’ at the International conference on ‘Satipatthana Sutta: Theory and Practice in Theravada and Mahayana’, organized by Tibet House, New Delhi, India, 28-29, December 2019.
- Keynote Speaker at the Symposium organized by Social Affairs Journal in collaboration with Faculty of Arts, Peradeniya University on ‘Academic Dependency and Indigenous Knowledge: The Role of Social Sciences’ [‘Knowledge, Reality and Ethics: A Buddhist Critical Response to Dominant Epistemological Frameworks and Suggestions for Alternatives’], 12-14, December 2019.
- Invited Speaker at Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka symposium on Common Heritage, [‘Influence of Buddhist values in the evolution Sri Lankan society’], 30 November 2019.
- Special Guest and Invited Lecturer at Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM), (University of Sri Jayawardenepura) inauguration of PhD program for 2019, 21 November 2019.
- Chaired a Session, at 5 th International Pali Conference, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Peradeniya University, 30 October, 2019.
- Keynote Speaker [‘Need for paradigm shift: A metta-based approach to business management’] at Faculty of Finance and Management International Research Conference, University of Colombo, 25 October, 2019.
- Keynote Speaker at Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE 2019) [‘Production of Knowledge in Humanities and Social Science’], 11-12, September 2019.
- Presented a paper on ‘Implications of two dimensions of Buddhist practice on statecraft’ at International conference on ‘Reducing suffering during conflict: The interface between Buddhism and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)’ organized by Sri Lanka Red Cross (ICRC) at Dambulla, Sri Lanka, 4-6 September, 2019.
- Delivered Professor K.N. Jayatilleke Memorial Lecture on ‘Paticca Samuppada as the universal Buddhist philosophical basis’ at Peradeniya University, 8 July 2019.
- Conducted 02 graduate seminars on ‘Debating Methods of the Kathavatthu’ at Nalanda University, Rajgir, India, 8-10, April, 2019.
Postgraduate Research Supervision (Completed)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Colombo
- ‘A Comparative Study of the Ethical Teachings of the Dhammapada and Proverbs of the First Testament’ (in Sinhala), Miss. M.M.T. Sheila Fernando. 1996.
- ‘Pali Literature in the Mahanuwara Period’ -in Sinhala medium- Mr. A G. Piyasena. 1999.
- ‘A Study of the Vibhanga-vagga of the Majjhimanikaya with Special Attention to the Significance of Vibhanga in the Teaching of the Buddha’. 1997. Ms. Yu Nam Hyun. 2001.
- ‘A Study of Po Jo Chinul’s Susimkyol with Reference to the Teaching of Early Buddhism’. 1997. Ms. Chang Yu Jin. 2001.
- ‘A Critical Study of Buddhist Psychotherapy with Special Reference to the System Practised by Dr. H.S.S. Nissanka’, Rev. Ten Siaw Ming (2001), 2003.
- ‘A Buddhist Approach to Management of Stress among Professionals’, Ms. Devika Prianganie Peiris, (2001) 2005.
- ‘Communication of the Buddha’s Dhamma: A Survey and analysis of the Period from Parinibbana to Twelfth Century in Sri Lanka’, Mr. Russell Bowden, 2002. (with Prof. Toshiichi Endo) 2006.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): (Completed)
Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Colombo
- ‘Universalism in the Teachings of the Buddha’, Mr. Somasara Dasanayaka. 1999 (1995).
- ‘A Study of Philosophical and Religious Significance of Question and Answer in Pali Nikayas’. Mr.Yang Hai Hyun. 2001 (1995).
- ‘Defilements and Related Phenomena; Their Nature and Their Role in Causing Suffering: A Study in the Buddhist Path of Purification Based on the Sutta and Abhidhamma Pitakas’. Ms. Yu Mee Lee.2003, (1998).
- ‘A Study of the Materials Relating to Vipassana Meditation as Found in Buddhist Scriptures’, Mr. Jeong Jun Young, 2003 (1999). (With Prof. Tilak Kariyawasam)
- ‘The Path, Practice and Realization: A Study, with Special Reference to Early Buddhism, in Psychology and Philosophy of Seon Buddhism as Expounded by Chinul’, Ms. Chang Yu Jin (2001), 2004.
- ‘A Study of the Buddhist Philosophy, Religion and Psychology of Death’, Mr. Denzil Senadheera, 2004 (1999).
- ‘Knowledge and the Ways of Imparting it as Found in the Pali Canon: A Study in the Buddhist Concept of Education’, Ms. Yu Nam Hyun, 2005 (2001).
- ‘A Study of the Nature, Characteristics and Types of Stream- Winner’ (Sotapanna) according to the Pali Canon (Candidate: Rev. Yi Ru). (2005)
- ‘Socio – Anthropological Study of the Kavyasekhara Maha Kavya of Sri Rahula Sangharaja with special Reference to its Moral and Legal Philosophy" (with Prof. Chandrasiri Palliyaguru) (Candidate: A.M.K. Attanayaka). (2005)
- 'A Psychological Study of Jhanas, Maggas and Phalas in Buddhist Path of Purification, Rev. Xing Pu, 2008 (2003).
- ‘Problems in Translation and Interpretation Related to the Vinayapitakapali, Rev. Dung Dinh Truong, 2008 (2001). (With Prof. Kapila Abhayawansa).
- ‘Two Versions of Vessantara Jataka and Their Influence on Buddhism in Shan State, The Union of Myanmar’, Rev. Sengpan Pannavansa, 2007 (2001).
- 'A Study of the Later Development of Theravada Vinaya With special reference to Khuddasikkha’, Ven. Ding Hui, 2008 (2003).
- ‘A Buddhist Analysis of Modern Parapsychology’, Mr. G. Halgaswatta, 2009 (1999).
- ‘Religious Experience from a Buddhist Perspective with Special Emphasis on the Experience of Sotapattiphala’ Ms. Yuki Sirimane, 2009 (2005).
- ‘A Study of the Role of Upasaka in Early Buddhism’, Rev. Pramaha Phocana Phayakphittayangkura, 2006. (2001).
- 'Contributions of Early Buddhist Teachings to the Field of Marketing, Mr. Priyantha Devasiri, 2011 (2004).
- ‘The Pali Theravada Tipitaka – Major Events in its Transmission from 483 B.C. to 1165 A.D.’, Russell Bowden 2013 (2007). (With Prof. Toshi ichi Endo).
- ‘Comprehensive study of the significance of the five aggregates as the theoretical and practical basis to understand the Buddhist concept of reality’, Kim Ki Wook, University of Colombo, (2012) 2016.
- “Mind and Liberation in Buddhism: A Study of Psychological and Soteriological Significance of adhimutti/adhimukti and adhimokkha/adhimoksa. Rev. Hoang Thi My Loan, Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya (2014-2017): (Co-supervisor: Prof. Udita Garusinghe).
- Title of the study: A Buddhist Theoretical Approach for Psychological Counseling. (Co-supervisor: Prof. Manjula Vithanapathirana). Suranga Amarakoon, University of Colombo (2012-2019).