

In view of the global health emergency on account of COVID – 19, it is essential that Nalanda University (NU) as a community respects and adheres to the advisoriy issued by the Hon’ble Prime Minister and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (GoI), and the Government of Bihar.

As an International University, Nalanda ensures safety and security of the students, faculty, and nonteaching staff, and the supporting personnel. The University has issued a circular to this effect on 16 March 2020 with a set of guidelines, along with the direction to teach online.

It is time for us to adhere to the necessary precautions, including social distancing, while we ensure that perform essential duties.

The University has constituted an Emergency Team to address any issue in this regard.

The University shall take all the necessary measures as per the health advisories and guidelines issued from time to time.

Prof. Sunaina Singh

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