Distinguished Lecture: The Dynamics of Social Stratification in China – A preliminary Socio-Political analysis.

November 24, 2016

Dr Ravni Thakur, Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi, delivered a lecture titled, “The Dynamics of Social Stratification in China – A preliminary Socio-Political analysis” on November 17, 2016.

This lecture explored the key features of the emerging dynamics of social stratification in China based largely on Chinese sources and surveys. At the theoretical level, the lecture examined the conceptual frameworks and analysis that Chinese scholars are bringing to the study of the subject and whether Chinese social strata can be now defined as class since the Chinese scholars do not do so and what the implications of these are for governance.

The lecture first examined the changing nature of social stratification in China and looked at the manner in which Chinese academics and researchers have studied the issue. and divided society into different strata. It then looked at the role of income and education inequalities and key factors for status inequality. It also briefly examined the role of the emerging middle class in China and finally ended by looking at the state’s response to the increasing and visible inequalities in China. 

Dr. Ravni Thakur delivering invited lecture at Ajatashatru Residence Hall.

Dr Ravni Thakur, Associate Professor at the Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University delivering the lecture at Ajatashatru Residence Hall.

Bio-Sketch of Dr Ravni Thakur 

Dr Ravni Thakur is Associate Professor at the Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Delhi, Delhi University/International Academy, since 2005. She is a sinologist and the author of numerous articles on the topic of China, India and women, among which “Representing women: problematizing an Asian identity” in Brij Tankha (ed.), Okakura Tenshin and Pan-Asianism: shadows of the past, Folkestone: Global Oriental, 2009, “Enchantment and Disenchantment: A Sino-Indian Introspection” (with Tan Chung), in Tan Chung and Ravni Thakur (eds), Across the Himalayan Gap: A Chinese Quest for Understanding India, IIC Asian Studies Programme, New Delhi, Konark Publishers, 2013. She has published several books –Rewriting Gender: Reading Women in Post Mao China, Zed Books, 1996; China and India: Mutual Perceptions, forthcoming, Konark Publishers.

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