Field Trip to Giriyaka, Pawapuriand Kurkiharby Students and Faculty of SBSPCR
February 16, 2019

Visiting a Buddhist Stupa on Giriyaka Mountain, a place for meditations by Buddhists for many generations.

Interacting with the villagers and children in Kurkihar village, where some of the stone images were recovered and worshiped. Archeological Survey of India, Govt., of India has marked some areas for excavation.

Visit to Pawapuri: the temple where Mahaveer Jina got Nirvāṇa and Jalmandir, where his mortal remains were cremated after his Nirvaṇa, and devotees collected holy ash and soils gradually making a pond there.
Throughout this trip Prof. Anand Kumar Singh elaboratedthe importance, history and related academic interest to the students. Interaction with the people of Kurkiharvillage made it lively and memorable.