Nalanda student joins a collaborative research project on purifying drinking water at the Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

December 29, 2016

Abinash Mohanty, a student from the Class of 2017 at the School of Ecology and Environment Studies, Nalanda University is working on a collaborative research project at the Faculty of Textile Engineering, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.

Abinash is working under the supervision of Dr Prabhakar Sharma, from Nalanda University and is also being guided by Dr. Jaromik Merek and Prof. Yakub Weiner from KMI in Department of Materials Engineering and Centre for Nano Applications. The research is on remediating Flouride and Boron contaminants from drinking water using nanotechnology according to World Health Organization (WHO) norms in an environmentally friendly way and at more affordable rates. He is testing the use of activated carbon nanofibrous materials-composite carbon particles made from carbiso milled reprocessed from organic materials, which are ecologically and environmentally friendly and blended with Poly urethane and Polyamide nanofibrous fabric filters for these experiments. 

Abinash Mohanty while doing experiment at University of Liberec

Abhinash Mohanty student from Nalanda University’s 
School of Ecology and Environment Studies performing experiments at 
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

His initial experiments have been successful and now he is working on the dynamics of the sorption blend equilibrium to furnish better results. We wish Abinash Mohanty all the very best.

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