Nalanda University bags the GRIHA Council Exemplary Performance Award 2017
December 19, 2017
Nalanda University bagged two Awards at the Valedictory function of the 9 th GRIHA Summit 2017 in New Delhi on 19 th December. It received the GRIHA Council Exemplary Performance Award -2017 for Integrated Water Management category and the First Runner Up Award for Passive Architecture Design for achieving the sustainable goals and commitments towards green building development incorporated in its building plan of its upcoming sprawling 455 acre Net Zero University campus at Rajgir, Nalanda District in Bihar. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sunaina Singh received the Award along with the team in a glittering ceremony held at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (GOI) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) supported the GRIHA Council to host the Awards Ceremony as a grand finale to the two day 9 th GRIHA Summit 2017.
Shri Durga Shankar Misra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Dr. Ajay Mathur President GRIHA Council were present amongst other dignitaries. GRIHA Council (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment), is an independent platform (registered as a society) for the interaction on scientific and administrative issues related to sustainable habitats in the Indian context.
The University campus is designed with unique water and energy system to achieve the goal of SELF-SUSTAINABLE NET-ZERO CAMPUS by using indigenous, new and renewable energy sources with the integration of various innovative technologies like Desiccant Evaporative (DEVAP) cooling/heating technology, water and waste management and algae-based BIOGAS operated Sterling engine, solar PV captive power plant and Decentralized Water Harvesting Management (DeWAT) and other indigenous technology/ideas. The key sustainability features for developing a Net Zero Campus include, net zero energy, net zero water, net zero waste and net zero emission. This hybrid concept, new and renewable energy sources with the indigenous approach and its integration with various innovative technology may set an example for other upcoming projects/campuses and community construction models in the future.
The Nalanda University campus is envisaged as a campus of the future and positioned at the forefront of global education has been planned to eventually accommodate a large number of students and staff. While making a modern, state-of- the-art, comfortable and efficient campus for its occupants and visitors alike, a whole palette of ideas has been mooted for developing an energy efficient sustainable campus having Net Zero environmental impact.
The Nalanda University Project is registered with GRIHA Council, under Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment – Large Developments (GRIHA LD). The GRIHA Council has reviewed the Project and recommended for GRIHA 5 Star rating.
The GRIHA Council during its 9 th Summit, in an attempt to recognize the exemplary ideas for achieving sustainability and appreciate the initiatives/efforts of various project teams had organized the GRIHA Exemplary Performance Awards-2017.
Key features in Integrated Water Management System of Nalanda University Project includes the following –
- The design scheme collects, stores and extracts water using an array of water-bodies, underground and above ground storage tanks. Alternatively, building from the preliminary analysis of ground water conditions, the University has investigated a direct- aquifer recharge/storage strategy for a common potable distribution scheme through the water towers providing continual aquifer renewal. This is in conjunction with the water bodies for all non-potable applications and bioremediation of grey water.
- The DEWAT-Decentralized Water Harvesting Management technology integrated with all the services concerned and campus envelope is under development stage.
- After careful analysis of the terrain and the flooding pattern of the site we are creating a manmade lake that feeds on a network of storm-water channels. By using water as the main theme, the plan seeks to accentuate the existing pedestrian linkages between the campus and surrounding villages.
- The different components of the campus are clearly articulated as interconnected clusters grouped around the lake. All the buildings are positioned along the water networks, thus creating a generative system that can grow in small increments. Each cluster could be developed separately and independently. The balanced public space structure, together with diverse program and sustainable infrastructure systems, create a multi-layered identity for the campus.
- Approximately, 40 hectares of water network is under development stage which will be able to cater to the requirement of a 7000 onsite population even up to three years of draught. The collection and harvesting of rain water in different network as per the usage (like drinking water, domestic usage and daily uses network) and recycling/treatment and natural sedimentation process have been adopted. The natural AHAR and PINES using its natural gradient/gravity system has been adopted to minimize the energy required for the purpose of water transportation.
- The water bodies were excavated before starting the building construction works and well before monsoon. Now, the collected rain water during monsoon is being utilised for the building construction works at site.
- The integrated water network is under development stage and designed by optimization of strategies at the building and site level. Building level strategies includes water saving low flow fixtures, recycling and reuse of water that leads a project towards net zero ground water consumption. Site level strategies include the innovative storm water management scheme and rainwater harvesting techniques.
Key features in Passive Architecture Design of Nalanda University Project includes the following –
- The master plan is designed inline of the adoption of bio-climatic design strategies, such as orientation, day-lighting, shading design and natural ventilation, employed in the project to maximize thermal, visual and acoustic factors, thus minimizing the demand of artificial energy sources.
- The campus and its buildings are designed in passive architectural philosophy which will help in decreasing the temperature inside the campus and balance the outdoor temperature. The street layouts and buildings have been designed to provide minimum obstruction to local wind flow (except for during unfavourable months as per the local climatic and seasonal study report).
- The 455 acre of campus will have total built up area of only around 10 per cent and the remaining parts are designed and articulated with green and natural water network. The building orientations are designed to capture the indirect and diffused sun light which helps in reducing the lower energy demand and natural illumination level inside buildings during day time. The outer periphery is designed with inspiration of the world famous ancient Nalanda University architectural philosophy. In place of thick wall there will be hollow passage around the buildings integrated with most common veranda culture. This will help in reducing the energy required for the lighting and air-conditioning insulations.
Prof. Sunaina Singh, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor – Nalanda University was extremely glad to receive the Awards and reiterated the commitment of the Nalanda University towards sustainable energy goals and contribute to the environment and goals of the government.