
Master’s Dissertation

S.No. School Name Batch Dissertation Title Supervisor
1. SLLH Welda Sana Vero 2021-2023 Frida kahlo and pascale petit: a study of adaptation between literature and painting Dr. Shreesha Udupa
2. SLLH Prince Kumar 2021-2023 Shakespeare’s Macbeth and its adaptations: a study of select films. Dr. Mir Islam
3. SLLH Tran Tin 2021-2023 A comparative study of Saundarananda and Chandalika: an inquiry in the didactic values through Rasa theory. Dr. Shreesha Udupa &
Dr. Kumuda Prasad Acharya
4. SLLH Farhin Akhtar 2021-2023 Memory, trauma and representation: a study of selected partition films. Dr. Shreesha Udupa &
Prof. Rajeshwar Mittapalli
5. SLLH Jagriti Sharma 2021-2023 Voice of the voiceless in the Island of missing trees. Dr. Mir Islam
6. SLLH Pabasara Ponnamperuma 2021-2023 The cross-cultural configuration of motherhood: representation of motherhood in Amy Tan’s the valley of amazement. Dr. Shreesha Udupa
7. SLLH Tashi Dorji 2021-2023 Bhutanese folktales and their role in shaping culture and traditions: a case study. Prof. Rajeshwar Mittapalli
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