Mr. Kamble Dhammapal

Mr. Kamble Dhammapal

Teaching Associate
School of Languages and Literature/ Humanities

Mr. K Dhammapal is an accomplished educator with a passion for language and education. He holds a Master of Arts English, a Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching of English, and a Master of Philosophy English Language Education, degree from The English and Foreign Languages University in Hyderabad.

With an impressive seven years of teaching experience at both the Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) levels, he has honed his skills as an educator and has made a significant impact in the field of language teaching. His areas of expertise include Materials Design, Curriculum and Syllabus Design, Testing and Evaluation, and Academic Writing.

One of his defining characteristics as an educator is his innovative approach to teaching. He believes in utilizing local languages, cultures, and literature in the classroom to create an immersive and relatable learning environment. By incorporating familiar elements into his teaching methods, he ensures that the learning process becomes engaging and accessible, making it casier for students to grasp complex concepts.

His commitment to educational excellence and his dedication to enhancing the learning experience for his students have earned him the admiration and respect of his peers and students alike. He is known for his approachable nature and willingness to go the extra mile to support his students in their academic journey.

Beyond his teaching role, He is actively involved in research and academic development. He continuously seeks to improve his own skills and stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in language education.

Mr. K Dhammapal’s remarkable journey as an educator, his expertise in language teaching, and his innovative methods to make learning enjoyable have solidified his position in the academic community. His profound impact on the lives of his students and his contributions to the field of education are a testament to his unwavering passion and commitment.

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