First Lecture in Nalanda-Deakin Annual Lecture Series held in Delhi and Rajgir

November 12, 2016

The first lecture in the Nalanda-Deakin Annual Lecture Series was delivered by Dr David Halliwell, the Director of the Centre for Regional and Rural Futures (CeRRF), Deakin University on November 10, in New Delhi (Teen Murti Bhavan) and on November 11, in Rajgir (Rajgir International Convention Centre). The lecture was titled “Industry Driven Research Needs in Regional and Rural Communities”. 

Nalanda University is collaborating with Deakin University for holding annual lecture series titled: the Nalanda- Deakin Annual Lecture Series.  As part of this series, every year, the speaker will deliver a lecture at Nalanda University and one other city in India. 

Earlier this year, Nalanda had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Deakin on possibilities of having thinkers in residence, student and academic exchanges between Deakin and NU. The Nalanda-Deakin Annual Lecture Series are a part of this collaboration. Through this collaboration, Nalanda University and Deakin University would be able to showcase their academic credentials and their association with cutting edge academic discourse and their commitment to make knowledge available to a wider public outside the University.

First Lecture in Nalanda-Deakin Annual Lecture Series

Dr David Halliwell, the Director of the Centre for Regional and Rural Futures (CeRRF), Deakin University delivering the first lecture in the Nalanda-Deakin Annual Lecture Series

Bio-Sketch of Dr David Halliwell

Dr. Halliwell joined Deakin University in 2015 as Director of the Centre for Regional and Rural Futures (CeRRF), a research centre with a focus on regional productivity. He has 22 years’ experience in industry driven research in the agriculture and water sectors. Previous roles include Chief Executive Officer for Water Research Australia Limited and Research Director with the Victorian Department of Primary Industries. Dr. Halliwell holds a PhD in Chemistry and he is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a researcher at heart with a focus on engaging with industry to understand and solve their problems.

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